Four Minute Devotions Freedom Freedom “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke…Terry NightingaleOctober 7, 2021
Four Minute Devotions Money, Sex and Power I reckon these are the three main distractions our enemy, the devil uses to try to knock us off course. What do you think? Jesus…Terry NightingaleAugust 31, 2021
Four Minute Devotions The One who Sustains “Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” (Ps 54: 4) When the Lord gave instructions for the Israelites to…Terry NightingaleAugust 3, 2021
Four Minute Devotions Peace in the neighbourhood “Be at peace with each other”, said Jesus to His disciples in Mark 9: 50. He knew that harmony in the ranks was not a…Terry NightingaleJuly 12, 2021
Four Minute Devotions When stuff happens Genesis chapter 11 tells the curious story of the Tower of Babel. In a nutshell, God divided people using language. Thousands of years later, on…Terry NightingaleJuly 5, 2021
Four Minute Devotions Clothed with the Lamb I was watching a TV documentary recently about a couple of shepherds living in the Yorkshire Dales in the UK. The man and wife (and…Terry NightingaleJune 20, 2021
Four Minute Devotions Silence Silence Sometimes we just need to stop talking. Job has done a lot of complaining, “Though I cry, ‘Violence!’ I get no response; though I…Terry NightingaleJune 6, 2021
Four Minute Devotions Agreement in Prayer Our sun is one giant nuclear fusion reactor. Nuclear fusion occurs when two or more atomic nuclei combine to form bigger nuclei with the…Terry NightingaleMay 30, 2021
Four Minute DevotionsUncategorized On Eagles Wings “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will…Terry NightingaleMay 23, 2021
Four Minute DevotionsUncategorized A People Belonging to Him Why did Jesus die on the cross for us? “To save us from our sins”, some will answer. Christ is, indeed, our Saviour. As Paul…Terry NightingaleMay 10, 2021
Four Minute DevotionsUncategorized Bird in a Cage King Hezekiah was the 13th King of Judah. Within just a few years of Hezekiah’s reign, the Northern Kingdom (Israel) was completely…Terry NightingaleApril 26, 2021
Four Minute DevotionsUncategorized Wrestling in Prayer When Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians, it was to a people he had never met. Epaphras, mentioned in the letter, originally planted…Terry NightingaleApril 12, 2021